John Oliver’s Genitals

I have tried to watch John Oliver’s programme, “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” but today his pathetic descent into vulgarity turned me off completely.  How can a man be so obsessed with his penis? Is his appendage so ineffectual that he has to constantly remind himself that he has one?

Oliver has no class. He is crass and has the comedic sophistication of a toddler who pulls his pants down at kindergarten and announces to the world with a giggle  “Look at my wee wee….”

Oliver talks fast, bobs his head up and down like a clucking chicken and is a physical turn-off.

This is not to say that his topics are bad, however.  They are timely and his comments on events in America are quite interesting.  Unfortunately, the laughter sounds canned and every time he refers to someone’s testicles the audience guffaws into orgasmic hysteria.

All in all, he leaves a bad taste in my mouth and despite his popularity in some circles, the “populus vulgaris” is welcome to him.


Farewell to Obama

The President of the U.S is ending his administration just the way he began it,  by bending over forward to kiss the hand of the Arabs in the settlements vote in the U.N Security Council yesterday.

It was about eight years ago that Mr President was kissing the hand of the Saudi King. He had actually bowed before him in such a subservient manner that I winced in embarrassment.

There he was sucking up the way he has continued to do for the past eight long years.

Very demeaning,  I thought. It made a mockery of the dignity of the U.S.  As I have always maintained,  I love America and don’t want to see it degraded in such a way.

Here’s hoping that the New Year will bring back some pride to the country that helped save my life.

So many babies fleeing Syria. How come?

During World War II there were very few babies born in the war zone.  In fact, the war  population demographic is extremely small compared with the baby boom that followed.

The reason for this lower number of babies born is is obvious. First of all,  the potential fathers were away at war. The second reason is that nobody wanted to bring a child into the world during such a horrific time even when a man was around.

The third reason is that many women were starving either in the concentration camps or outside in desperate situations. The lack of food and stress made women infertile.

Which is why I wonder about the large number of babies born during the past four years in Syria. These are the babies who are being brought to Europe or drowning at sea.

If the Syrians in the Middle East are at war,  how come so many babies are born without regard as to how they will be cared for or kept safe during the war?

One Syrian man lamented the drowning of his wife and seven children on the way to Greece.  Several of his children would have been born during the current conflict in Syria. We saw this on TV the other day and it amazed me how this could occur.  Even if the Syrians spent time in refugee camps,  surely this was not the ideal place to bring babies into an uncertain future.


Why I won’t be seeing the movie called “The Walk”

There are many reasons for not going to see  “The Walk”.  Quite frankly, one man’s ego-driven ambition to risk his life walking on a  tightrope between the Twin Towers of  the World Trade Center  does not impress me one bit. But hey, who cares if he falls?  So let him do it.

I’m very rarely moved by what I call the Richard Branson restlessness syndrome.  Life is dull so let’s makes it dangerous and exciting. You wanna bang your head against a wall to see how it feels,  be my guest.

The main reason, however,  which will prevent me from going to that particular film,  is that I become furious when I see a mock-up of the now destroyed Twin Towers in New York.

Ever since  September 2001, my hatred of the perpetrators of that horrific crime has made it impossible for me to trust and respect people like them.

I remember how the Palestinians rejoiced and whooped joyfully in the streets following the attack.  I remember how the rest of the Muslim world failed to condemn such bestiality.

And that left a scar in me.

Who needs these Isis collaborators back in Australia?

So the young men who left Australia and joined Isis have asked to be allowed back into the country they abandoned.  Well whoopee!

Do we welcome them back? Do we believe that they will now turn their backs on the most violent and unscrupulous murderers in the Middle East?

Perhaps these traitors have discovered that joining a group of terrorists who want to destroy everything that is good in our world is not a picnic, after all.  It’s not an adventure for the bored sons and daughters of the Muslim community in Australia.

Pardon my scepticism, but if I were a member of Isis and I wanted to return to Australia to cause more trouble here, then I would pretend that I am disenchanted with the Isis credo. I would pretend that I regret having left my comfortable home here in Australia for a cause that is the work of the devil.

I would offer to betray Isis by blabbing all the secrets that I had  learned during my adventure with them.

But could I be trusted?

After all, a person who has been a traitor once, which these men have been, could easily become a traitor twice or three times over.

So do we want these men back here to cause havoc in Australia?

No way. Let them stay in the Middle East where they belong.

Good on you, Garland, Texas!

There was a time when I was against guns. But that was before the Sandy Hook School massacre in Connecticut, U.S.A in which 20 very young children were brutally killed by a gunman. There was no armed guard at the school which prided itself on being very liberal and tolerant.

That school had a marvellous philosophy which preached that we should all live in peace, and sing Kumbaya my Lord as we hug one another and pretend that everyone else agrees with us and wishes us well.

Sadly, the evil people in this world did not agree with the peace-loving ones at Sandy Hook and so 20 children were murdered by a monster.

That atrocity took place in 2012 and I grieve for the dead children and their families. There should have been an armed guard in the school to protect them.

So here we are in 2015 in Garland, Texas. A couple of crazy jihadists have decided to attack an exhibition which offends them. They arrive armed and ready to kill. The two pieces of excreta shoot a guard but then a policeman shoots the two murderers dead.

ISIS claims responsibility for the attack. That’s okay as long as the assassins were shot dead before they could massacre people. So be it.

The sooner that people learn that we live in a different world now and that good people are under threat from an horrifically evil force the better and they had better change their idealistic views.

If you don’t learn from experience you pay the price and surely Sandy Hook should have been a lesson to us all. We need to face reality and protect our citizens, even as we lament the loss of innocence in this world.

What would Emile Zola write about the attack on the Paris Kosher Supermarket?

During World War II my Auntie Olga who was living in Paris had to change her name to “Simone” and pretend to be Christian instead of Jewish.


Because she was terrified of the French handing her over to the Nazis. There were many collaborators in France who were not friends of the Jews. These Jews had been loyal Frenchmen and women who discovered that, alas, France was not the country of liberty, equality and fraternity.

This sentiment accounts for the many attacks on French Jews prior to the latest murders yesterday.

The problem lies in the fact that France has been prepared to appease Muslim terrorism until the Charlie Hebdo atrocity. Whether it is out of fear of its 10% Muslim population or whether previously it was only a problem for the Jewish community, it is only when the Media itself was attacked that France began to protest against the monstrous attack perpetrated by three or four of its own Muslims.

Freedom of expression was at stake here and this is one of the treasured values of democracy.

But I am sure that Emile Zola would also ask about the freedom to live in safety without being murdered for being a Jew.

Disregard for the safety of the Jewish population and even anti-Semitism are not new concepts in France. My Auntie Olga learned this tragic fact a long time ago.

I am outraged at the executions by the Muslim terrorists. I weep for the staff at Charlie Hebdo, but I am not surprised. Neither is the long-suffering Jewish community in France.

The four Jews who were assassinated in the Kosher store are most likely to be buried in Israel where I am sure they will receive a kinder welcome.

The results are in. Rudd has lost and Australia has won

It was always a personal thing with me. I had met former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, years ago and he struck me then as a very supercilious person who would say anything and do anything to get power.

Years layer I was to have my opinion confirmed when he did a backflip on certain issues that he had sworn by.

I guess all politicians change their minds as time goes on, but in Rudd’s case it was a conviction betrayal. He pretended to support a cause and then betrayed it when it suited him to.

I never forget a betrayal.

If you want an example of how low Rudd can stoop one only has to think of his farewell speech when his party lost the election. He could not resist saying ‘”Eat your heart out” to Dr Bill Glasson who had not succeeded in winning the seat which they both contested.

In my opinion, that is very un-Australian and I was never convinced that Rudd was pro-Australia.

Tony Abbott avoided sleaze during the election campaign

When you think about it Tony Abbott could have thrown many more blows at the Prime Minister. There was the terrible outburst against the Chinese Embassy staff who did not translate some Chinese message for him. He threw a hissy fit then and even used pretty shocking expletives.

And yet, Abbott chose not to capitalise on Rudd’s bad temper. Abbott also had at his disposal the recorded clips of the former ministers and caucus members of the Labor Party who announced to the whole of Australia and the world how difficult Rudd was to deal with.

They chose to go to the backbench or even resign rather than serve in the government with Rudd.

They couldn’t stand the way he did business.

Abbott had all of this dynamite stuff at his disposal. He could have used it and yet he didn’t. I think it was because he didn’t want to stoop to conquer. He allowed Rudd to be negative and hysterical in his attacks on Abbott.

All this made Abbott look good. He remained calm and in control while Rudd continued to rave on. I’m convinced that in Rudd’s dictionary the words “brief” and “concise” do not exist. He simply couldn’t stop himself from going on and on.

The results of the election aren’t in yet, but whatever the outcome, Abbott has gained my respect.