Moronic Medownick TV commercial lacks class

I have commented on the stupidity of the Medownick Laser Clinic commercials in the past.  Sadly, for a company that provides eye surgery they behave like puerile circus clowns.

So for a while the TV commercials disappeared from our screens and so I assumed , wrongly, as it happens,  that the advertisers had decided to stop promoting a medical company in such an embarrassing manner.

I would have expected the owners of this medical service to inform their marketers that their medical practice should inspire confidence in a potential client rather than project an image of slapstick idiots who fall over themselves on the screen.

I wonder if the doctors who perform the laser eye surgery greet the patient with a banana peel, false red nose and a colourful costume like Ronald’s.

Such inspirational fun in the operating theatre!



Pathetic International Women’s Day

Pardon me for being puzzled about the value of International Women’s Day which will take place tomorrow.  Why am I puzzled?

Well, I associate an International Day with minorities who are somehow in need of help.  They are lacking something and we have to help them by acknowledging their existence.  Worthy examples of such days are World Cancer Day, Victims of Torture Day, Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Day.

Such events are reminders of afflictions and injustices and we should definitely be more  compassionate towards them.

So how can being a woman be a disease or some aberration of nature,  something to be cured or repaired or eliminated?

I cannot come to terms with such an attitude because it doesn’t make sense to me at all.

We women are only inferior if we think we are inferior and by marching up and down the street and demonstrating or barring menfolk from the ABC TV screen in Australia for a “WHOLE”  day smacks of pettiness and tokenism.

Men must be killing themselves laughing at our silly behaviour.

How come men don’t demand an International Men’s Day just to even the score?  The answer to that is simple, of course. They don’t need one because they don’t feel second-rate. There’s no need to prove anything if you don’t have an inferiority complex about it.

I look forward to the day when women no longer feel the need for this kind of degrading tokenism.

Show some dignity please, Ladies…

How Eddie McGuire continues to prompt contestants on Channel 9’s Millionaire Hot Seat

Eddie used to prompt the contestants he liked by asking them “final answer?” when they chose the wrong multiple choice answer. What he was really  was telling them was  “Your answer is wrong so think again and choose another one of the other three multiple choice alternatives.”

He did this when the candidate was one he thought would be popular or good value for the show.  It was best if you have a schmaltzy sob story of what you would do with the money if you won it such as feed the hungry,  save the planet,  pay for your nanna’s hip operation.  And then Eddie would gush and utter “Gosh, I  hope you win. We want him to win, don’t we?”

People began to catch on to what he was doing.  After all, one cannot describe the show as a genuine quiz.  It is merely show business.

You had more chance of winning if it was Monday night and Eddie wanted to suck in the viewers to watch the rest of the week.  Nothing unfair about that but it is becoming predictable.  Monday night,  winning,  coincidence?

Unfortunately for Eddie and Channel 9,  people began to recognise a pattern of prompting so he adjusted his “Final Answer?”  to  “You tell me what to do.”

This directive actually means ” For crying out loud, choose another answer, cause this one’s wrong.”  And he often emphasises his prompting with  “Lock it in?” and the contestant locks in the answer which,  surprise, surprise,  is the correct one.

On occasion the contestant fails to catch on to his hints and doesn’t lock it in so Eddie becomes quite frustrated and turns to the audience and shrugs his shoulders apologetically as if to say “I did try…”


More ridiculous offers from internet con artists

I’m just adding to the list of junky con artists who are out to hurt us via the internet.  In my previous blog I listed a few of them who emailed me.

Here they are under their phoney names.  There are a few more of them as well which my readers should keep in mind.

“Oliver Miller”

“Vanessa” who started off by informing me I had won a $500 voucher from Woolworths .  Since  then that offer has been increased to $1000 from “Emma”.

I have a Coles offer from Portugal and “Anna” is  demanding immediate action  or I’ll miss out on the millions  “she” is giving me.

Good old “Sam” and “Samuel B” are still at it. So is  “Sara”.  Then there is  “Jen” who is thanking me for my nonexistent purchase.

And of course there are the free spins from PlayMillion,  a gambling group who want to snare me into gambling or whatever their real organisation is offering.

Another suspect is Royale 500, a gambling junk mail.

No doubt the list will go on.

Perhaps I’ll hear from God himself


All about junk and my new “pals”

For the past couple of months I have won a popularity contest, or so it seems.  New friends, business colleagues,  offers of jobs and money, money, money are being thrust at me.

Because I’m special,  or so it seems.

My new email pal, “Oliver Miller”,  is offering hundreds of free spins if I click on his gambling website. Another generous soul,  “Sam”, informs me that there is a fortune waiting for me and all I have to do, apparently,  is tell him which bank to lodge it with.

“Vanessa”  has a $500 voucher for me from Woolworths and a $200 voucher from Bunnings.  Of course, Woolworths and Bunnings  have never heard of these offers.  I had phoned these two companies as well as Coles  to let them know about these  “prizes.”

What a shock to learn that “Vanessa” was not telling me the truth and here I was thinking that I’m a winner!

These generous email pals had even arranged a mortgage on a new home.  And I haven’t even asked for one!

I’ve even got a new job guarantee waiting for me and “Sam” is becoming impatient with me and wondering why I haven’t taken up this offer which  “is running out unless I agree immediately”.

“Cory”  and “Emily”, “Samuel B” and “Zoe Kent” as well as “Charlotte Jones”  are all out there in this wonderful internet world eager to bring joy and happiness to my life.

All I have to do is believe them and let them make my day.



Johnny Depp ‘s arrogance is king-size

We in Australia believe that everyone, even celebrities,  should obey the law.  That goes for the “ordinary” human being as well as the visiting megastars such as Johnny Depp.

Depp may not care if animals brought into the country carry diseases which may infect our animal population, but we do. We are determined to protect our livestock and that is why there is a quarantine rule which prevents overseas visitors, no matter who they are, to declare that they have animals with them and agree to place them in quarantine.

Apparently,  Mr Depp who suffers from a swelled head has decided that the law should not apply to him.  Surely, it’s only for mere mortals, says Mr Depp.  “My little doggies are as special as I am.”

Ironically, it turns out to be the case, for sure

So when he was caught with a couple of  illegal puppies in his entourage he flew off in a huff and began to criticise the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia for threatening to take the canines away from him.

Depp has frequently made childish and petulant remarks  about Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce and the end result of these snide comments is that we are sick and tired of Depp.

The latest insult made by Depp is to describe Joyce as an inbred tomato, whatever that is. Perhaps Depp is familiar with inbreeding in vegetables.  His delusions of grandeur may encompass agriculture as well as everything else.

His lack of respect for our laws,  however,  has not won him any fans Downunder.


Stella Prize? Why do women need a special literary prize for women only??

So Charlotte Wood has won the Stella Prize,   an Australian prize of $50,000  which is exclusive to women.  Her book, “The Natural Way of Things”,  deals with misogyny etc. and domestic violence which are trendy topics.

I have to admit that a prize like that smacks of condescension and sexism and I wish that special offerings would not be made to women on account of their gender.  A truly egalitarian society would not discriminate between male and female writers. But there you are.

It is sad that this is the way of things.

It reminds me of the complaint made by female tennis players who want the same prize money as men even though they only have to play up to three sets of tennis instead of five.

Is that fair? Is that equal?

Imagine if there were a special prize for male authors only.

We women will have come a long way when we no longer depend on special concessions for being female.   Until that day comes not much has been achieved.




The Australian Muslim Community speaks at last about the terrorist attacks in Paris

Apparently, the Grand Mufti of Australia has spoken. We don’t know what he said because he doesn’t speak English.

Hard to believe, but I read that he’s been in Australia some 18,  yes 18 years, and great scholar that he is couldn’t be bothered learning English. He has been the Grand Mufti since 2011 and has seen no reason to learn English yet, it seems.

What made me laugh today, however,  is that on Al Jazeera TV there was a breaking news documentary called

“The Day Israel attacked America.”  Hmm, I thought. I wonder what that’s about?

Well, it’s about the day,  50 years ago,  yep 50 years ago during the Six Day War when the Israelis accidentally hit an American vessel while Israel was defending itself against attacks by Five Arab nations.

All I could conclude from that Al Jazeera ploy is that the Muslims must be in a lot of trouble to dig up that old story in order to distract their viewers from what’s really happening in Paris right now.


Climate Change and flatulence

Just when we are on the brink of conceding that climate change is all our fault,  scientists in New Zealand are going to present us with a Christmas gift.

Apparently,  they will know by Christmas whether they have found a cure for flatulence in cattle. This flatulence produces methane emissions which lead to the formation of greenhouses gases which are bad for the environment.

Scientists,  bless their little hearts,  are trying to create methane inhibitors.  They are fiddling with all sorts of compounds to achieve this breakthrough.

In other words, they want to reduce farting in cattle.  Something like a charcoal pill, I suppose. But it’s far too complicated for me to explain the whole thing because this is extremely highbrow chemistry or physics or thermodynamics.  I just threw in the last word because it sounds pretty scientific.

Nevertheless,  I still wonder what could happen if the experiment goes sour. What if instead of inhibiting the amount of methane that a cow produces it ends up full of it like some zeppelin until it explodes and whizzes around like a burst party balloon?

Imagine the number of  UFO’s that will be reported!

Anyhow, I wish the Kiwis all the luck in the world with this one. There’s so much hot air around the topic of climate change that any method of reducing it would be most welcome.