GP Studio at Chadstone Mall can’t be serious.

Today we walked past the GP Studio hairdressing salon at the Chadstone Mall when my husband said  “Have a look at the sign in the window.”  It was advertising the prices for certain categories of clients and charges for services.


Females over 65


Males over 65

We drew this notice to the attention of the lady hairdresser inside who agreed it was puzzling and she would talk to her boss about it.

I wonder when one becomes too old to be a lady and yes, I’ve heard the joke  “That’s no lady…….”

I confess that I was probably never much of a lady and have to agree with Frank Sinatra that I do get too hungry to have dinner at eight.

Pathetic International Women’s Day

Pardon me for being puzzled about the value of International Women’s Day which will take place tomorrow.  Why am I puzzled?

Well, I associate an International Day with minorities who are somehow in need of help.  They are lacking something and we have to help them by acknowledging their existence.  Worthy examples of such days are World Cancer Day, Victims of Torture Day, Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Day.

Such events are reminders of afflictions and injustices and we should definitely be more  compassionate towards them.

So how can being a woman be a disease or some aberration of nature,  something to be cured or repaired or eliminated?

I cannot come to terms with such an attitude because it doesn’t make sense to me at all.

We women are only inferior if we think we are inferior and by marching up and down the street and demonstrating or barring menfolk from the ABC TV screen in Australia for a “WHOLE”  day smacks of pettiness and tokenism.

Men must be killing themselves laughing at our silly behaviour.

How come men don’t demand an International Men’s Day just to even the score?  The answer to that is simple, of course. They don’t need one because they don’t feel second-rate. There’s no need to prove anything if you don’t have an inferiority complex about it.

I look forward to the day when women no longer feel the need for this kind of degrading tokenism.

Show some dignity please, Ladies…

Brother Solutions Centre in Sydney brightens the day

Just when you start to wonder if there is any good service out there,  along comes Richard at the Brother Solutions Centre.

He was was so pleasant and helpful this afternoon that I feel compelled to sing his praises. He spent a patient 40 minutes helping us set up our Brother Printer after we had a bit of a problem with a previous WiFi connection.

Methodical, kind and oh so easy to understand,  Richard should not remain an unsung hero,  so thank you Richard for your help.

How I wish there were more people like you !