Bertocchi Smallgoods Revisited

This week I received a very pleasant surprise from the Marketing and Merchandising Manager of Bertocchi Smallgoods in Australia.  Mr  Tony Rapone had been made aware of the unfortunate experience I had had five years ago when I bought some Mortadella made by Bertocchi which had been placed in some outdated casing which did not give the correct information about the ingredients in the product.

The old casing had MSG listed on it as an ingredient and it so happens that I am allergic to it. So when I rang the company only to be informed that the casing was old and the product no longer contained MSG I was told not to worry but there was no apology.

Naturally, I was very upset by the poor customer relations  and decided to avoid Bertocchi products from then on.

Following Mr Rapone’s assurance that my treatment had lacked consideration all those years ago and that he apologised on behalf of the company I am satisfied that Bertocchi would not repeat this error in the future. I appreciate  Mr Rapone’s gesture after all this time