Attention visitors to Melbourne! If you value honesty do not come here.

This is the fourth time that we have had our parked car damaged here in “Marvellous Melbourne” in eight years.  Had this happened in Queensland there would have been a note left on the car with an apology and the necessary information about the person who had damaged it.  I know this for sure, because that’s what happened in the Sunshine State.

It’s the decent way that Queenslanders behave.

Sadly,  Melbourne is not the place to be if you expect people to be considerate and honest when they damage your parked car.

In Melbourne there is a dog eat dog mentality.  Drivers are ruthless.  Mothers with their prams will rush blindly and scrape your car while they talk on their phones instead of looking where they are going. They will not use a pedestrian crossing  even if it’s a few metres away.

I must confess that a teeny weeny bit of me wishes they would trip as they chat to their BFF on the phone instead of paying attention to the traffic. But then I come to my senses and tell myself that that would turn me into a nasty Melbournian so I wait  in the car while the Mother of the Year crosses the road illegally.

You would expect that they would like to set a good example for their young children about crossing safely. But no, they don’t think about their kids being hurt. After all, it’s all about yummy mummy, isn’t it?

We have many ice addicts here, many home invasions,  many carjackings and many bashings in the street.

Come one come all. Melbourne, you’re standing in it!